In a recent NRCC survey, 70% of the respondents indicated to require support in the area of advocacy. This White Paper summarizes the focus areas and policy recommendations of the Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) for the coming period. Each of the chapters has been prepared by one of our task forces, which consist of members active in the respective fields and our representatives in the Coaliţia pentru Dezvoltarea României (CDR).
The NRCC acknowledges the challenge of Romania’s current twin deficit and appreciates the measures introduced last year by the government to support both companies and individuals cope with the impact of the pandemic. A gradual and sustainable fiscal consolidation is preferred in the coming years, and the stimulus packages should not be discontinued too abruptly or too soon. Premature fiscal tightening is one of the biggest threats to the post-pandemic recovery and could jeopardize the foreseen 5% real economic growth in 2021.
The NRCC is looking forward to continuing the collaboration and constructive dialogue with representatives of the public sector, which has been enhanced considerably in the last years, to develop concrete action plans to seize the current opportunities.