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Ruim 7 jaar ervaring
Nieuws7 augustus 2018

Factsheet scoping mission on Circular Economy

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The circular economy presents a sustainable solution to this linear economic model. Although circular economy thinking is still quite new to Vietnam, the National action plan on Green growth includes many actions that fit perfectly with the transition towards a circular economy and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) is considering the establishment of a Centre of Excellence on Circular economy. The Netherlands is a Circular Hotspot with a wealth of knowledge and experience on circular economy. Dutch businesses could play a valuable role in accelerating the circular economy (CE) in Vietnam. A scoping study was conducted at the end of 2017 to identify potential areas of circular (business) cooperation. This factsheet addresses CE related opportunities for Dutch businesses in the following sectors: • Agriculture • Renewable Energy • Logistics • Water management • Smart cities

Sector: Sectorbreed
Related to: Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Publisher: Embassy of the Netherlands in Hanoi, Consulate General of the Netherlands in Ho Chi Minh City
Year published: 2018