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Inspiratie18 november 2021

Dutch Investors and Businesses commit strongly to rebuilding Vietnam’s economy

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Dutch Investors and Businesses commit strongly to rebuilding Vietnam’s economy 

Winners of the “DBAV Business Resilience Awards” proceed to the EuroCham Business Resilience Finals 

This Thursday, 18 November, the Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV) was pleased to announce the winners of the “Business Resilience Awards”, that honor Dutch companies that showed their social responsibility during Covid-19 in two categories and green and sustainable business in the third category. 

Dutch investors and FDI companies have over the past year joined hands and contributed to many Covid-related charities. Moreover, many Dutch companies initiated their own projects and donations, to help Vietnam through the pandemic. Dutch-led companies supported not only their employees but also external stakeholders, as well as the community, to ease the impact COVID-19 had on businesses and people’s lives. Now that the worst peak of the pandemic seems to be over, there is a strong commitment to help Vietnam gain momentum again. 

To assess the submissions from their members, an independent judging committee was installed.

Chairman of the judging panel Mr Ywert Visser: “The Netherlands is the biggest investor of all EU countries in Vietnam. The Dutch have a history of hundreds of years of trading and doing business with the Vietnamese. The strong relationship between The Netherlands and Vietnam has become evident by the strong contribution of Dutch investors and FDI companies.” 

The strong relationship between The Netherlands and Vietnam has become evident by the strong contribution of Dutch investors and FDI companies during Covid-19. - Mr Ywert Visser, Chairman of the Judging Panel

“We had a difficult task to make a selection of companies, and announce them as a winner. Moreover, many efforts of the Dutch companies in Vietnam remain unheard of. The submissions for the DBAV Business Resilience Champions included many examples where companies and their employees went beyond the call of duty to help others. This has resulted in that the judging panel decided for two categories to choose three winners instead of the planned two.”

The panel of judges had to make a choice on winners for each of the three categories of Best Resilience Champions who submitted their brief efforts summary.

The full report of the judges can be reviewed here.

And the winners are…. 

Category 1: Best initiative to support Vietnam during the 4th wave of COVID-19

Signify, Nutreco Skretting, Friesland Campina

Category 2: Best management initiative to support workers, staff & their families

Phu Thai Mobility, Heineken, De Heus 

Category 3: Best green & sustainable business 

Orlar Vertical Farming, Damen Shipyards 

Dutch Business Association Vietnam DBAV thanks all the submissions and is confidently looking forward to the EuroCham Business Resilience finals, December 3rd.  


Related article: Dutch enterprises & government stand shoulder to shoulder with Vietnam: 43 billion in donations

--- End of press release ---

For enquiries, please contact Tien Tran, communications & events manager: events@dbav.org.vn