NLinBusiness / Service Providers / Proximities B.V.

Proximities B.V.

Proximities logo Proximities is your partner in solving security risks. We ensure that your company's international ambitions are not limited, but strengthened, so that opportunities can be exploited, always and everywhere. Together with your team, we explain where you do business (country security analyses), with whom you do business (third party due diligence) and how you do business (travel safety, on-site security management and information security). With our tailor-made support, you know what you're getting into and how to do it safely.

What others say

HSSEQ manager - Damen Shipyards Group

Since 2015, we have successfully collaborated with Proximities on a large number of Damen Shipyards' developments and projects. From setting up a travel management framework to the actual support in the preparation & implementation. Also in the event of calamities and crisis management, Proximities assists us in a professional, dedicated and flexible manner, 24/7. They have many reliable sources of local developments that we cannot possibly keep up with in that detail. This working method gives us the space and confidence to make the right decisions. We thus remain in control so that we can continue to conduct responsible international business in challenging areas.

Management Team member - Royal Reesink

As Royal Reesink we are active worldwide and we are growing fast. We do this, among other things, by adding new companies to the group, sometimes in countries where we have not been active before. As a result, we recently had to deal with unexpected security risks that were beyond our field of expertise. In a short period of time, together with Proximities, we mapped out the risks and successfully implemented the solutions they suggested. This gave us “peace of mind” and we could quickly continue with our on-site roll-out.

Daan Brink
Daan Brink

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Proximities B.V. in Leusden will help you with business in South Sudan .

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