Marktrapport27 maart 2024

G3 FX Outlook | March 2024

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Learn more about the FX perspectives and get the latest information around FX by reading this outlook.

Recent updates:

  • USD | The dollar has been broadly stronger against its major peers since the start of 2024, and is currently trading just shy of its highest levels since November.
  • EUR | We’ve seen a broad outperformance in the euro against its G10 counterparts since the start of the year, with the only exceptions being its G3 peers: the US dollar and sterling.
  • GBP | The pound has been the next best performing currency in the G10 so far this year, lagging only behind the US dollar.

Source: The G3 FX Outlook | March 2024, a publication by our partner Ebury, shows you the most recent developments around this topic.

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Duco Rooyaards

Duco Rooyaards, Head of Partnerships

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