Onafhankelijk advies
Wereldwijd Nederlands netwerk
Ruim 7 jaar ervaring




Unlocking Business Opportunities in the U.S.

This program is designed for Dutch companies who are considering entering or further expanding in the world’s largest consumer market, either directly or via a partnership with a U.S. company.

Therefore, we would like to invite you on Friday, November 15 to join us in Eindhoven at our seminar, where we will share insights about e.g. business opportunities, legal aspects and experience on doing business in the U.S. You will learn from experts, officials, U.S. state representatives and colleague entrepreneurs. These speakers will be happy to guide you through this country where the workforce, technologies, landscapes, natural resources, and funding sources are vast and varied.

This event is co-hosted by BOM and EACC Netherlands. It’s meant for companies of all sizes, who are interested in the U.S. and who want to be further updated on the latest relevant resources available.

Venue: Microlab Strijp-S Eindhoven, Kastanjelaan 400, 5616 LZ Eindhoven
Date: Friday, November 15 from 9.15 – 14.00
Tickets: Free of charge


09.15-10.00: Walk-in

10.00-10.10: Welcome and introduction 

> Peter van de Griend – Brabant Development Agency (BOM)
> Marcel Schulze – European American Chamber of Commerce

10.10-10.45: Session 1 – Expanding in the U.S. market

> Peter van de Griend, BOM – Trade & Innovate network
> Philip Hammerstein, US Commercial Service, US Embassy ‘How the U.S. Embassy can assist your U.S. expansion plans’
Lessons learned from a Dutch entrepreneur in the U.S.

10.45-11.30: Session 2 – Site selection: the differences between the 5 regions i.e. Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West and spotlight on various U.S. States.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina
Moderation & introduction: Nicholette Ross, Site Selection Consultant, Global Location Strategies (TBC)

11.30-12.30: Session 3 – EACC member specialists will explain the challenges and solutions for companies on expanding into the U.S.

Expert speakers:

TABS. Inc.: Willem Wolfs, Business Relations Manager: ‘Organizing your back office when expanding into the U.S. market’
Ebury: Duco Royaards, Head of Partnerships, ‘Foreign Exchange Risk Management, International Payments, Trade Finance’
> VisaVersa; Hilde Cevaal, Director,  ‘U.S. VISA Application Strategies’.

> Archipel Tax Advice: Daniel Klein Velderman, Tax Partner,  ‘Dutch tax considerations to expand to the US successfully’

> Wuersch & Gering LLP, Carl van der Zandt, Partner, ‘Doing Business in the U.S. Maximizing Opportunities, Minimizing Risks’

12.30-14.00: Networking lunch