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Explore Hospital Construction Opportunities in China!

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Are you a Dutch company specializing in hospital construction? Do you want to explore business opportunities in China? The Netherlands Mission China Network invites you to visit the China Hospital Construction Conference 2025 (CHCC) – China’s leading event for hospital design, construction, and management.

For whom?

This mission is for Dutch companies that are specializing in:

  • hospital construction
  • design;
  • engineering;
  • materials;
  • equipment;
  • logistics systems;
  • medical devices;
  • smart hospital solutions;
  • and many more.

Why join?

China provides many business opportunities when it comes to hospital construction. According to the China National Bureau of Statistics, at the end of 2023:

  • there were 1.07 million healthcare institutions in China;
  • there were 10.17 million hospital beds nationwide;
  • China has the world’s largest aging population, creating a growing need for high-quality healthcare and senior care facilities.

Why visit CHCC?

With over 20 years of experience, CHCC is the main event for hospital construction professionals. It brings together key players in procurement, learning, and exchange in the hospital construction and management field. It offers insights into all stages of hospital development, from design and construction to operations management and smart hospital solutions.

The Netherlands Embassy in Beijing, the Netherlands Consulate in Guangzhou, and NBSO Chengdu are organising a series of activities alongside the CHCC. With support from the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, we are offering Dutch companies opportunities, including:

  • Showcase your advanced products, technologies, and solutions in brochure, poster, or video formats at the Dutch pavilion for free, or join the Dutch pavilion physically at CHCC.
  • Join a fact-finding program to visit local hospitals in Wuhan and gain insights into the latest developments and demands in the Chinese hospital sector.
  • Network with key stakeholders across China, including authorities, industry associations, leading market players, and hospital representatives in the hospital construction sector to explore business opportunities.

Participation and costs

You can apply for this mission until 11 April. Visiting CHCC and joining relevant activities is free.

There is an option to physically exhibit at the Dutch pavilion for more exposure. The Netherlands pavilion is located in the main aisle with all-around access in the centre of Halls B3-B4. The total size is 72 square meters. Cost for raw space is ¥1,980. The minimum booth size is 9 square meters. The estimated construction fee is ¥400 per square meter, subject to the final design plan.

Want to know more?

For registration and more information, please contact:

Ms. Jenesy Wang

Senior Commercial Officer at the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou 

Email: Wang@minbuza.nl


Ms. Ayong Xi

Deputy Representative of NBSO Chengdu

Email: nbsochengdu@nbsochengdu.com