DBN Draait Door

Meer over dit event

Save the date: DBN Draait Door*
On October 8, at 20:00-21:30 (WIB) DBN will host a second edition of ‘DBN Draait Door’. A live stream talk show inspired by a TV-show in the Netherlands, hosted by DBN co-founder Erik ten Have.

This time, the spotlight will be on 3 inspiring companies that have been offering good services despite COVID-19:
Robbert Deusing, founder of Titik Pintar, an educational technology company that is offering an application to make learning fun for kids at elementary school age.
Innandya Irawan, founder of CarbonEthics, an NGO that aims to inspire and enable climate action while improving the livelihood of communities through community-based-Blue Carbon Ecosystem conservation.
- Pim van Deurzen, VP of Business Intelligence at BukuKas, a fintech start-up helping SMEs to grow their business.

Mark your calendar! More details will follow soon.

*This is a DBN-members only event.

To register, please send an email to info@dutchbusinessnetwork.com.

DBN Draait Door

  • Datum 8 oktober 2020
  • Tijd 13:00 - 14:30
Inschrijving gesloten
  • Dutch Business Network Indonesia